Yesterday we made it over the halfway point! I think we are supposed to feel encouraged by that. But actually, I felt a sense of, “What, we are only halfway!?”
We certainly have seemed to walk a lot of miles. The toughest part isn’t the energy needed, but avoiding injury. All around us we see people that are having difficulty making it, so we keep a close eye on our aching feet to make sure it is just aching and not something that would make us have to stop.
For the last few days, we have been walking through the Meseta like high plains, which are a little less exciting than what we have been doing. That being said, there is some value in not having as much to look at. It does give more time for just walking and thinking.
We are really enjoying each day, each day being different. It is a stretch for us, and a good one, that every day is unpredictable. Yes, every day we get up, walk for a long, long time, secure a place to sleep, eat, and go to bed. Repeat.
Yet in the morning, breakfast may be at our hostel, or maybe 5 miles down the road, or some snacks out of our backpack. How to acquire my essential afternoon coffee can sometimes be a sport. We never know who we will be meeting that day. Some days we talk with people almost the whole time we are walking while sometimes we are by ourselves for extended times. Some days it is super hot, but this morning it was cold and windy. Today we got to our hostel and they overbooked, so had no bed for us (they put us on a pull out couch in the lounge area with only one other person, so no problem!). We don’t know what part of our body will be hurting each day. Often, we’re not sure what we are going to get when we order food.
We are very used to a pretty cut and dried life, where we are in control. But in spite of the unknowns here, we always get breakfast, the food we order usually comes out tasting good, and we get a bed every night. And if not, it will also be OK.
It is a good stretch for us.