The start of our hiking has been fantastic, though it started out in the rain. On the first day it was off and on rain, fog, and brief moments of sunshine. Yesterday, we woke up to clear skies, then weather was absolutely perfect as we crossed the Pyrenees with some misty forest sections and clearing valleys. Compared to the last weeks which have been 30° hotter, we are very happy with the weather.
We made it over the Pyrenees, with wonderful views of mountains, grazing cattle, sheep, and horses. We’re not sure what the French do with the horses, but they didn’t look like riding horses . . .
The most impressive part so far has been the people in the hostels that we stay with. There is a camaraderie that we have not experienced before. Every night in the hostels before supper, we introduced ourselves, and talked about why we are going on this journey. During dinner together and afterwards, we talked personally with individuals about their reasons for walking the Camino and about their lives. We have met so many wonderful people from so many different countries and situations.
Now that we made it over the Pyrenees, tomorrow is mostly downhill. Granted, it is 14 miles, but again, mostly downhill. Up until now it has been just been up, up, up!
Today was Jodi’s birthday, so instead of staying at an alburgue (hostel), we stayed at a hotel and ate at the hotel restaurant. It was nothing fancy, but very nice to have space and a bathroom to ourselves for cleaning up as well as washing our clothes in the sink.
Even so, both before and after supper, we found friends that we met before and hung out with them. Our new friends from Ireland and Australia are a ton of fun!
Off to beds now. Tomorrow is is another long day of hiking!