Journey with us!

Journey with us!
France 2023

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Our time in Tucson continues to be fun and rewarding.  Jodi's parents came for a week.  They were lots of fun to have around.  Jodi's mom, Sandy, helped out with school and kid sitting, and her dad Terry worked at CHRPA for a day to check it out.  Considering all the snow days that our kids make sure we know they are missing, they skipped a couple of days here and went on a couple of museum field trips with Jodi and the grandparents.


Prior to Jodi's parents coming, the director of CHRPA had the idea of having me teach school with the kids and have Jodi go out with CHRPA for a day.  I told him that was a terrible idea.  The educational and psychological damage of me schooling the kids would likely take weeks to reverse.  But we did take him up on the idea of having our whole family go out for a day.

CHRPA built a wheelchair ramp for an older lady (and very friendly boxer) that recently lost her husband.  The Miller family wasn't up for building the ramp, but painting was right at our skill level.  We may not have been the most efficient painters, but we all had a great time doing it.  We also enjoyed a nice burger lunch during the 1 ½ hours it took the primer to dry.  It doesn't take long in a desert.

The kids did such a good job, maybe they should graduate to doing the under the mobile home work instead of me!  Yesterday we found a smelly dead cat under one . . . hey, kids like cats, right?

Hope all is well up North.

Eric, Jodi, Julia, and Nathan.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Greetings once again from Tucson.  We continue to enjoy our time here!  These past few weeks have flown by!  We were happy to have Barry and Brenda Hummel visit us for a weekend.  They graciously kept the kids one evening so we could go out with another couple.  Everyone enjoyed this (right Barry?)

We've met many new neighbors and have made many connections with them.  We were the only SOOPers (Mennonite Mission Network's program that we are serving with called Service Opportunities for Older Persons (now Families as well)) for most of December.  (We might add that the average age here on campus is about 70-75 without our family in the mix).  Right before Christmas the first couple arrived to set up their RV next door.  Then in early January, one, two, then three RV's arrived to line the church parking lot.  And last night we had another neighbor join us just outside our side door.

As you'll read below, one of the best events here has been the Sunday night game nights.  Popcorn is made, games are played and puzzles are always in process.  Dominoes has become the kid's favorite game and they have greatly improved!  What a great sight to see all generations around the table playing dominoes!

One of the biggest reasons that we take three months leave of absence ever few years is to allow our kids to experience a different way of life whether it be in Kenya or Arizona.  It only makes sense then, to dedicate the rest of this blog to the kid's.  They were not keen on writing/typing the blog themselves.  So  I asked them some general questions that they thought about and answered as follows. 

      1.    How has it been living in an RV since Thanksgiving?  What are some memories you'd like to share?

Nathan:  It's fun!  At night when we are supposed to go to sleep (in the loft above the driver's seat), I tickle Julia.  It's fun because I had a little shelf above the window to store stuff.  Now I'm on the other side so I store my books behind the TV.  I sleep well at night.  I received a big Lego container for Christmas which helps hold my Lego sets in the camper.  We watch movies on the TV - now we're watching "Little House on the Prairie" which is funny.

Julia:  We had a dance party inside the camper on the way to Arizona in the dark with glow sticks, flashlight rings and headlamps that flashed red lights.  Sleeping in the loft is not like our room at home.  Sometimes it's fun to be this close to the family.

2.  Tell us about school…do you miss classmates?  Any fieldtrips you'd like to explain?

Nathan:  I really miss my friends but in school we can concentrate more because we are just two.  We like getting out of school earlier too.  The Arizona Desert Museum was my favorite because they have all different animals.  I especially liked the black bear.  He peed in public!

Julia:  The field trips are more fun than schoolwork.  I miss my friends and Mrs. Widder.  I like that we finish early and don't have to wait on others as much.  The schoolroom feels freer than the camper and it's bright green (but it would be better if it was purple).

3.  When you're not at school, what do you enjoy doing?

Nathan:  I like to play with Lego, to read while keeping my feet warm and to watch videos.  I like going to the library each week. 

Julia:  I like visiting Adele, riding my bike and reading a good book.

4.   Describe a hike, bike or other trip that was memorable.

Nathan:  We went on an 8 mile loop bike ride and I got a Dr. Pepper at the end.  At Javelina Rocks I threw small rocks at the big rocks and smashed them into pieces.

Julia:  I liked horseback riding near the (Saguaro National) Park.  Dale, my horse, was great.  

5.  What in Tucson do you want to remember most?  (They added to this question by listing things they miss the most from home).

Nathan:  I got to watch a bear video.  I liked Mt. Lemmon and climbing on the rocks to look out from up high.  I like going to the library, eating quesadillas for lunch, and playing games on Sunday night with our neighbors.  I miss our dog Furbee, Grandmas and Grandpas, Lego and toys, my friends and my bedroom.

Julia:  I liked the Arizona Desert Museum and Sunday night game nights - those are fun.  I like the food and how often we eat quesadillas in the RV.  We eat lots of salsa.  I like how the schoolroom looks.  I miss Furbee and my bed.

The kids are doing well in school and are looking forward to a little break time before returning to the classroom.  We are looking forward to Jodi's parents arrival today.  Many thanks for your thoughts and prayers!

Jodi, Eric, Nathan and Julia Miller

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Things are still going well here in Tucson.  We entered 2014 having already enjoyed one month here in Tucson.  It's hard to believe how fast time is going!

Life in a small camper is great in that it forces us to stay organized and work as a team.  (I made that sound really good, but it doesn't generally work out that way!)  Life in a city also has its good and bad parts.  The bad is what you would expect - traffic, noise, and concerns for safety in our neighborhood.  The good is that my work and the kids' schoolroom in the church are only a 10 second walk across the parking lot.  Also, when the camper gets too small we can go out to eat and with a 20 minute drive we can be hiking in Saguaro National Park or Sabino Canyon.

Julia's Christmas gift - a cake pop maker
Hiking in Sabino Canyon

Although we missed being at home for Christmas, we enjoyed a Christmas Eve supper and service at Shalom Mennonite and were invited to someone's house for lunch on Christmas Day.  The kids were very excited and thankful to receive Christmas packages from grandparents, friends and school.  Now we have to find room in the camper for them!

The work at CHRPA home repair continues to challenge and interest me.  My most recent of many humbling experiences was when I was trying to remove a bathroom faucet that was leaking and needed to be replaced.  I took out the plumbing with the greatest of ease.  After a quick pat on my back for a job well done, I went to remove the faucet.  Because of the leak, the connections were corroded.  I worked painstakingly for 20 minutes with my neck in a kink trying to get the flange off the faucet so I could pull it up through the hole in the sink.  My partner sprayed some nasty stuff on it to loosen it up.  This helped some, but mostly just made it stink under the sink.  Finally, after several more minutes of struggling through sweat, stink, neck pain, and ego, we decided to just cut it off with a grinder.  As I pulled the faucet up to cut it, it pulled right out!  Yep, the flange was smaller than the hole and I could have pulled that guy right out a half an hour before without an ounce of effort!  Should have checked on that a little sooner (and will next time).

But even more challenging, interesting, and humbling, is the part of the job that involves meeting and seeing inside the homes of so many people that I have done a pretty good job of ignoring the existence of.  We always chat, usually laugh, and occasionally eat together (I certainly wish there was more of that!).

After a time of trying to connect on our similarities, I hate the part at the end when we have to go through the required paperwork so they can prove they are poor enough to qualify for our services.  Although they are thankful for the help, I am certain it shames many of them to have to accept help because of their poverty.  None of us like to NEED help and they are no exception.

In years past I would not have thought about the shame factor.  Certainly the impoverished are not worried about their ego, they are just trying to get by.

But now I realize how ordinary these people are.  As a matter of fact, I realize how much better than ordinary many of these people are.  How did we manage to somehow turn the Biblical tables, vilifying the poor as lazy, and uplifting the wealthy as worthy?  Doesn't the Bible have it the other way around?  

I am trying to fight the way I have become accustomed to judging and categorizing people not on who they are as a person, but rather on how similar they are to me.

Below is a link to a good thought provoking article on poverty.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.  We wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Eric, Jodi, Julia and Nathan